Water Use Audit Application
Save time and budget by streamlining your residential and large landscape evaluations with the Droplet Efficiency Evaluation application. Manage and assign evaluations at your desk while your field specialists leverage tablet technology on-site to conduct thorough evaluations.
Once the evaluation is complete, immediately share an extensive yet easy-to-read report with your customer. Special attention and care has been given to the design and layout of the report to effectively recommend repairs, upgrades, watering schedules, and program participation to increase your customer’s water use efficiency, awareness, and savings.
Replace labor with technology and shorten the evaluation process for staff evaluators and customers.

- Complete evaluations in less time and deliver results immediately to your customer
- Complete detailed evaluations by in house staff saving time and money
- Accommodate multiple agencies or contractors in one application
- Engage with customers in their homes and business
- Residential Indoor, Residential Outdoor, and Commercial Large Landscape versions included
- Indoor components include washing machines, dishwashers, faucets, showers and toilets all with pre configured and easy to select flow rates
- Outdoor components include meters, controllers, station irrigation and landscape details, and current controller schedule documentation
- Creates custom controllers schedules based on ET, plant type, soil, microclimate and water use
- Show customers potential savings in gallons per year for all recommended indoor and outdoor upgrades and repairs
- Provide customer with a detailed list of issues and upgrades that can be provided to potential contractors for bid purposes
- Automatically promote programs, rebates or specific messages to customers based on actual site issues and recommendations
- Quickly deliver detailed, accurate and easy to understand information to your customer while their interest is still high
- Application is pre populated with many standard irrigation issues and solutions including default highlight pages to educate the customer on your recommendations and the benefits of compliance